COVID-19 Updates

Please read our updated Covid-19 class schedules and protocols for the club. If you have concerns or questions please reach out to Cody or Chris.
ATTENTION karate dallas

Covid Safety Protocols

We appreciate your continued cooperation and support as we continue to offer karate training while doing our best to keep our dojo community safe.

  • Masks are now optional for entry into the club and while inside; this is for both members and non-members.
  • Class sizes have been opened up to allow more students
  • Instructors will sign students in (limits touching the keyboard/computer)
  • All community equipment/weapons will be sanitized before being put away
  • Hand sanitizer is readily available
  • Ionizer (non-ozone creating) is run nightly during the middle of the night. The ionizer is the same that is used on airplanes to clean the cabin air.


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